
Showing posts from November, 2017


As one of our first homesteading projects, we decided to start with gardening and chickens! We have done lots of thorough research and have begun plotting a large garden to begin a Back to Eden Gardening Method. Will be sure to blog about this at a later time! For now, this post is about our chickens! As we researched more, we decided to make it a RENU family school project and incubate eggs rather than buying chickens or full grown hens. One of our wishes one day is to have lots of miniature animals, including a couple mini jersey cows (because who doesn't love miniature jersey cows with their big giant brown eyes?!?)... And did you know there are mini CHICKENS? Research on chicken breeds led us to Serama Bantam chickens. These are the world's smallest chicken breed and we think they're just adorable!! So why not get some of those? I was able to find an amazing supplier of Serama Bantam eggs who shipped them to us from Ohio. They sent a variety of types of Serama : ch